What is Pilates? How did it Start?

Can Pilates help me?

Why do you care about my feet so much?

Do shoes REALLY matter?

What does Holistic Rehab mean?

Follow along for an intro to Pilates, your Feet and more of my thoughts on holistic recovery!

Intro to March MATness and Joseph Pilates “Return to Life”

Day 1: The 100’s.
Exercise to warm up the body, increase heart rate, activate abdominals and connect to breath.

Day 2: Roll Up

Exercise to begin ariticulating the spine, connecting to abdominals and breath. Stretches the spine & hamstrings.

Day 3: Rollover

Exercise working into inversion, with deeper connection to abdominals and focus on controlling articulation of spine. Addition of coordination and sequencing with legs.

Day 4: Single Leg Circles

Abdominals maintain pelvic stability while controlling leg through a circle motion. Think of the body as a box and move foot smoothly between all 4 corners. Working in both directions- sometimes one is easier than the other!

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Day 5: Rolling Back (Rolling like a Ball)

Maintaining a rounded spine, inhale controls the roll back and exhale deepens abdominal connection back up. Tighter ball = more challenging. Massages the spine and strengthens abdominals.

Day 6: One Leg Stretch

Also called “Single Leg Stretch” . The first in the “Stomach Series” or “Series of 5” drills. Abominals maintain curl up and pelvic control while coordinating arm/leg motions and maintaining breath. Lower leg/longer reach = increased challenge.

Foot Anatomy Review:

There are 26 bones in each foot, comprising 33 joints (each) and not just one, but THREE separate arches per foot. Can you name them?

Dancer Foot Health Tips:

Strengthen, ensure your shoes fit properly, take a break from your dance shoes and go Barefoot!

The Transverse Arch of the foot:

Why it is important and how you can work to improve it.

Day 7: Double Leg Stretch

The second in the “Series of 5”. Increased abdominal challenge adding simultaneous arm and leg extension, circling back into a ball. Inhale to extend, exhale to curl. As before, lower legs + longer reach= Increased challenge.

Doorstop Rehab!

Get your big toes moving and engage the muscles in the bottom of your foot with these 2 simple drills.

Review of the 5-F’s of Natural Footwear:

How to assess your shoes and select ones to promote healthy and natural mechanics.